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This plugin allows the use of URLs as an SCM.

This is an SCM plugin for Jenkins. While URLs are not actually a proper SCM, the two main behaviors of an SCM are supported - checkout and polling. Polling is accomplished by checking the last-modified property of the URL. Checkout is accomplished by copying the content of the URL into the workspace as a file.  The file is given the same name as the final filename component of the URL.  URLs without a filename component cannot be used at this time.  
This does duplicate some of what the URLChange Trigger plugin does.

Benefits this plugin over the URLChange Trigger are:

  1. You can choose your own polling schedule via the SCM Polling trigger.
  2. Less resource intensive polling mechanism, since checking last-modified requires few bytes to transfer, regardless of the amount of data in the URL.

Benefits of URLChange Trigger over this plugin:

  1. Jenkins only supports one SCM plugin per project. If you want to trigger an SCM checkout via a URL, then URLChange Trigger is a better choice.
  2. The last-modified property of a URL is not the right trigger for your builds, instead you need the content of the URL to change to trigger a build.

Change Log

Version 1.6 (Nov 2, 2011)
  • JENKINS-11572
Version 1.5 (Jan 27, 2010)
  • Update code for more recent Hudson
Version 1.4 (Jun 24, 2008)