Add Changes to Build Changelog

Build Status cd


This plugin was aimed at adding changes to a Jenkins build that didn't come from SCM information. Maybe the changes were calculated outside of Jenkins, but someone wanted to show those changes in the Jenkins UI.

Target Audience

Stack Overflow had a lot of questions regarding adding custom changes to the Jenkins change log, but there was no easy way to do this. Most relied on knowing the Jenkins internals and scripting. Thus, this plugin was created to help.

For example, here are some of those questions:

Jenkins - Updating build changelog during build step

Is there a way to set/change the changeSet (changelog) content from pipeline script? Needed for preflight type of job

Generating Custom GitSCM Changelog in Jenkins Pipeline

insert custom changelog to Jenkins job

Jenkins: Modify the ChangeSet List to have changes since last successful build

Jenkins Plugin for Writing to the Change Log?


  • Freestyle Jobs
  • Pipeline

Pipeline Builds

Note Internally, anything you add to the build will be treated as a Git change.

Example pipeline script:

node {
    // IMPORTANT: If you want to add new lines to the message part, you will need to tack on a few spaces after each new line.
    // In my case, it was 4 spaces (e.g. "First Line\n    Second Line\n    Third Line") 
    def text = '''
		"changes": [
				"commit": "364cd043160d870b655f66c5925b18b9e14961e1",
				"author": "Jane Doe",
				"email": "",
				"date": "2023-02-03 07:30:05 +0000",
				"message": "My git change.",
				"paths": [
					{ "path": "hello.txt", "modified": true, "deleted": false, "added": false }
    // Read in the changes via text
    addchangestobuildchangelog changelogText: text
    // Read in the changes via file path
    writeFile file: 'changelog.txt', text: text
    addchangestobuildchangelog changelogPath: 'changelog.txt'

Freestyle Builds

Note At the moment, you can only specify Git SCM as the default checkout type. The other SCM types (like SVN, etc) are not support yet. If you want to use this plugin and do not have a git repository, then specify an empty git repository to get around that restriction.


Example git changelog text:

	"changes": [
			"commit": "364cd043160d870b655f66c5925b18b9e14961e1",
			"author": "Jane Doe",
			"email": "",
			"date": "2023-02-03 07:30:05 +0000",
			"message": "My git change.",
			"paths": [
				{ "path": "hello.txt", "modified": true, "deleted": false, "added": false }


Any and all contributions welcome!


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE