This plugin allows adding various Docker commands into your Jenkins Freestyle job as a build step.
If you would like to use Docker for dynamic node provisioning, you should check the Docker plugin.
Plugin currently support following commands:
- commit changes in specified container
- create new container from image
- create image from Dockerfile
- create exec command
- kill container(s)
- pull image from a repository
- push image to a repository
- remove container(s)
- remove all containers
- restart container(s)
- start container(s)
- stop container(s)
- stop all containers
- start/stop all containers created from specified image
- start exec command
Some commands also export build variables, so that you can easily use them in subsequent build steps.
Variables exported by create and start commands:
- IDs of created/started containers
- IP of running container with hostname $HOSTNAME
When port binding is set up (in start command), the following environment variables are exported:
- contains comma separated list of ports to which are bound docker container ports
- which docker container port is bound to this port (e.g. DOCKER_HOST_PORT_TCP_80 would contain value 8080 in case that container port 8080 is bound to port 80 on host)
- host IP:PORT to which conatiner $PORT using $SCHEMA is bound. E.g. with following port binding, container TCP port is 8080 is bound to host port 80 on loopback and DOCKER_HOST_SOCKET_TCP_8080 will contain
Commands run without any issue only on master, on remote slaves some commands may fail execution. See JENKINS-24071 for details.
The Docker service must be installed and running on nodes where you run the build.
In Jenkins global configuration, you need to specify Docker REST API URL.
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Docker Builder
- Configure Docker server REST API URL
- For Linux nodes, set the local socket
- For other nodes, you may need to set something like
- For Linux nodes, set the local socket
- Test the connection.
In the build area of Jenkins Job, add the build step
Execute Docker command
There is a range of Docker Command options, roughly correlating with the Docker CLI commands.
Field | Description |
Name of the image to pull (repository/image:tag) | base name of the image |
Tag | Actual tag, e.g. 3.4.5 or latest |
Registry | hostname of registry used to store images e.g. |
Docker registry URL | registry URL to use for pull authentication, e.g. |
Registry Credentials | ...Choose correct credential here from the list... |
Field | Description |
Name of the image to tag (repository /image:tag) | base name of the image |
Target repository of the new tag | destination repository/image name e.g. dac/nodeynode |
The tag to set | Actual destination tag, e.g. 3.4.5 or latest |
docker tag library/node:8.9.4 dac/nodeynode:8.9.4
Field | Value |
Name of the image to tag (repository /image:tag) | library/node:8.9.4 |
Target repository of the new tag | dac/nodeynode |
The tag to set | 8.9.4 |
[Docker] INFO: Done
[Docker] INFO: start tagging image library/node:8.9.4 in dac/nodeynode as 8.9.4
[Docker] INFO: Tagged image library/node:8.9.4 in dac/nodeynode as 8.9.4
docker tag dac/nodeynode:4.4.6
Field | Value |
Name of the image to tag (repository/image:tag) | |
Target repository of the new tag | dac/nodeynode |
The tag to set | 4.4.6 |
[Docker] INFO: Done
[Docker] INFO: start tagging image in dac/nodeynode as 4.4.6
[Docker] INFO: Tagged image in dac/nodeynode as 4.4.6
Field | Description |
Name of the image to push (repository /image) | base name of the image |
Tag | Actual tag, e.g. 3.4.5 or latest |
Registry | hostname of registry used to store images e.g. |
Docker registry | registry hostname to use for authentication, e.g. |
Registry Credentials | ...Choose correct credential here from the list... |
docker login ...
docker push
Field | Value |
Name of the image to push (repository /image) | dac/nodeynode |
Tag | 4.4.6 |
Registry | |
Docker registry | |
Registry Credentials | ...Choose correct credential here from the list... |
[Docker] INFO: Pushing image
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=The push refers to repository [],progressDetail=<null>,progress=<null>,id=<null>,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=Preparing,progressDetail=ResponseItem.ProgressDetail[current=<null>,total=<null>,start=<null>],progress=<null>,id=c747e356ef2e,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[==================================================>] 326.3MB,id=ec0200a19d76,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=Pushing,progressDetail=ResponseItem.ProgressDetail[current=326362624,total=318467546,start=<null>],progress=[==================================================>] 326.4MB,id=ec0200a19d76,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=Pushed,progressDetail=ResponseItem.ProgressDetail[current=<null>,total=<null>,start=<null>],progress=<null>,id=ec0200a19d76,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=4.4.6: digest: sha256:bbdd44f8824f93e3da152db5b425fd28bcab03f6746efa7ef1e20555ff21e8bd size: 1587,progressDetail=<null>,progress=<null>,id=<null>,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=<null>]
[Docker] INFO: PushResponseItem[stream=<null>,status=<null>,progressDetail=ResponseItem.ProgressDetail[current=<null>,total=<null>,start=<null>],progress=<null>,id=<null>,from=<null>,time=<null>,errorDetail=<null>,error=<null>,aux=ResponseItem.AuxDetail[size=1587,tag=4.4.6,digest=sha256:bbdd44f8824f93e3da152db5b425fd28bcab03f6746efa7ef1e20555ff21e8bd]]
[Docker] INFO: Done pushing image
- Jenkins Plugin ID:
in Jenkins PluginsDocker build step plugin
in Jenkins Plugin Wikidocker-build-step-plugin
GitHub project- Docker website
Uses components from Docker Commons Plugin which provides APIs for other Docker-related plugins
See License