This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our
Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
There is more than 4 years between the last release and the last commit.
The plugin is marked as up for adoption. -1000%
Cannot determine if the repository is archived or not.
Plugin is not marked as deprecated.
The plugin appears in the update-center.
Plugin is not using Release Drafter to manage its changelog. 0%
Documentation should be migrated in plugin repository. 0%
Plugin is inheriting the organization contributing guide.
There is no `index.jelly` file in `src/main/resources`. 0%
No dependency version manager bot are used on the plugin repository. 0%
Jenkinsfile detected in plugin repository.
Cannot confirm or not the JEP-229 configuration.Plugin has no GitHub Action configured.
Repository would benefit from defining the code ownership. 0%
Plugin does not seem to have on-going security advisory.