Upload Binary Scan

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The Finite State binary-scan Extension allows you to easily integrate the Finite State Platform into Jenkins.

Following the steps below will:

  • Upload the file to the Finite State platform
  • Create a new version of the configured asset
  • Conduct a Quick Scan binary analysis on the uploaded file
  • Associate the results to the asset version

By default, the asset version will be assigned the existing values for Business Unit and Created By User. If you need to change these, you can provide the IDs for them.

This plugin gives you the ability to add a Post Build action for:

  • Freestyle projects
  • Multi-configuration project

Getting started

To use this plugin, follow the following steps:

  1. Install the plugin in you jenkins instance.
  2. Create or edit your Frestyle project or Multi-configuration poject.
  3. Click on the Add a Post-build Actions dropdown and select Finite State - Upload Binary Scan option: Post Build action
  4. The post build action will be appear in the UI: Action form
  5. Complete the fields following the below reference. For sensitive fields like Finite state API client, Finite State API client ID and Finite state organization context we use the credentials plugin, so, be sure to create the credentials for each of this fields and select the correct ones on each dropdown.
parameter description required type default
Finite state API client Finite State API client ID true credential
Finite state API secret Finite State API secret true credential
Finite state organization context The Organization-Context should have been provided to you by your Finite State representative and looks like xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx true credential
Asset ID Asset ID for the asset that the new asset version will belong to true string
Use externalized ID as version Use an auto generated id to tag the version in Finite state platform. It uses a combination of project name and build number. If this option is checked, the version field does not take any effect. true boolean
Version The name of the asset version that will be created (only used if "Use externalized ID as version" is not checked) true string
File path Local path of the file to be uploaded true string
Quick scan Boolean that uploads the file for quick scan when true. Defaults to true (Quick Scan). For details about the contents of the Quick Scan vs. the Full Scan, please see the API documentation. false boolean true
Other Optional Configurations:
Business unit ID (optional) ID of the business unit that the asset version will belong to. If not provided, the asset version will adopt the existing business unit of the asset. false string
Created by user ID (optional) ID of the user to be recorded as the 'Created By User' on the asset version. If not provided, the version will adopt the existing value of the asset. false string
Product ID (optional) ID of the product that the asset version will belong to. If not provided, the existing product for the asset will be used, if applicable. false string
Artifact description (optional) Description of the artifact. If not provided, the default is "Firmware Binary". false string
  1. Click on Save button to save the configuration
  2. After building the project, the plugin will upload the file to the Finite State Platform. The output will be displayed in the console. Console output

Note: Please note that if any errors occur, they will also be displayed on the same screen.


Report issues and enhancements in the Github issue tracker.


Refer to our contribution guidelines


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE

Developers Guide

Please follow the steps described here