FxCop Runner

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.

FxCopCmd.exe execute plugin.


FxCopCmd.exe execute plugin.
Output xml can be used to Violations Plugin.


System configuration

  1. Open the system configuration page "Manage Jenkins->Configure system"
  2. Enter the path to the FxCop command line client, that should be used by Jenkins.
  • Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Fxcop 10.0\FxCopCmd.exe

Job configuration


Common Problems

FxCopCmd.exe can produce several warnings, and when it does, the build will be marked as unstable. Look in your console output for the fxcop output.



Version 1.1 (02/28/2013)
  • add forceOutput field.
Version 1.0 (02/26/2013)
  • Initial release