Harvest SCM

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found at https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/5320.

This plugin allows you to use CA Harvest as a SCM.

Configuring the Harvest Plugin

First things first - install the plugin, either through the Jenkins plugin administration, or manually.

Configuring the Harvest Settings

Select Manage Jenkins from the main menu, then select Configure System from the options presented:

 If the plugin was installed properly, you should find a section on this page for Harvest which looks like this:


Configuring a Build to Use Harvest

Once the server settings are configured, new builds can choose it for pulling down code. Create a new build, give it a job name, and select the type of build (free-style, maven2, etc) and click OK. On the subsequent screen, you'll see a section called Source Code Management where you can select Harvest. Select Harvest, and the following options will appear:

Change Log

Version 0.3 (Mar 3, 2010)

  • Update code for more recent Hudson

Version 0.2.7 (Sep 5, 2009)