This plug-in reads a job workspace and collects images to produce an image gallery using colorbox lightbox Javascript library.
This plug-in reads a job workspace and collects images to produce an image gallery using colorbox lightbox Javascript library.
This plug-in was created to mimic the behaviour of Bioportal (now Lifeportal) jobs that display images of submitted jobs. The development started in BioUno, a project that uses Jenkins for running bioinformatics tools and managing clusters.
This gallery is created from archived images. It means that you have to use the post build step to archive artifacts and give the gallery a pattern that will match these files.
The images in the Screenshot section were taken from a gallery of this type.
This gallery is created from archived images. It means that you have to use the post build step to archive artifacts and give the gallery a pattern that will match these files.
This gallery is useful when your build generates images in multiple folder, but with a common base root dir. It receives a base root dir as parameter, and it must be relative to the workspace. Then it will create a navigation tree with the images per folder. The screen shot below should help to clarify the explanation. In the example below the directories 3 and 4 both had images, and a common ancestor directory, used as base root dir.
This gallery is created from archived images. It means that you have to use the post build step to archive artifacts and give the gallery a pattern that will match these files.
It is similar to the previous gallery type, but each image will be an entry in the navigation tree. It means that if your directory has three pictures, each one will become an entry in the navigation tree. If you were using the in folder gallery, then you would have a gallery with three pictures. The screen shot below shows the difference between the multiple folder (top) and the in folder (bottom) galleries.
Note that by clicking structure01.png folder in the upper gallery, you would see the picture thumbnail. While, on the other hand, the other gallery displays the two pictures in a single category.
Since 1.1 you can use Jenkins set environment variables and other variables in your build in your gallery title.
You can use the arrow keys of your keyboard to navigate in your gallery.
- Migrated docs from Confluence to GitHub
- Update pom.xml URL for docs
- Add README badges
This release was in the experimental update center one week before the final release.
- Upgrade colorbox to 1.6.4 (was v1.3.19.3)
- Upgraded minimum Jenkins requirement
- Fix FindBugs issues due to new requirements from Jenkins parent
- Replaced tabs by spaces in some files
- Fix Jelly security issues due to new requirements from Jenkins parent
- Removed 1.x deprecated code
- Fix Jenkins.getInstance() deprecated call, use Jenkins.get()
- JENKINS-32447: BUILD_NUMBER in include pattern
- JENKINS-31364: Image width is set to "0" in previous builds
- JENKINS-23772: Percent for image width attribute
- JENKINS-22888: Colorbox viewer does not appear to work
- JENKINS-22887: Initial graph horizontal layout does not fit browser width
- JENKINS-22625: Allow customization of gallery title with Build/Project Parameters
- JENKINS-22625: Allow customization of gallery title with Build/Project Parameters
- Two more types of galleries contributed by Richard Lavoie (darkrift)
- Initial release, with only one image-gallery type supported (Archived Images Gallery).
- Add more gallery types
- Add support to different mime-types
- Add ability to display non-flat galleries. i.e. if a image directory has sub directories, each directory becomes a gallery, displayed accordingly by the plug-in.
- a gallery where you can have multiple images with the same name but from different folders, useful to compare images with selenium coming from different browsers, where images would have the same name, but coming from a different folder, recursively of course (darkrift)