Maplelabs APM


Jenkins monitoring plugin will provide ability to monitor the Jenkins operations. It will give high-level overview of how the jobs are performing and their current status.

Monitoring and observability in our Production environment helps us to know that our system runs well, our environment is stable, and in case of issue – to root-cause and remediate quickly and efficiently. This helps reduce the Mean Time to Recovery, which is a crucial metric for software teams.

This plugin helps in acheiving the same and aims at automatically forwarding metrics, service checks to APM Snappyflow(Elasticsearch & Kafka). It takes four simple steps to gain observability into Jenkins CI/CD pipeline.

  • Step 1: Collect Data on Jenkins
  • Step 2: Index & Store Data in Snappyflow (Elasticsearch & Kafka)
  • Step 3: Visualize with snappyflow Dashboards
  • Step 4: Alert the users

Plugin user interface

To configure your snappyflow-jenkins-Plugin, navigate to the Manage Jenkins -> Configure System page on your Jenkins installation.
Once there, scroll down to find the APM Maplelabs Plugin section:

Configure SnappyFlow

Description of the input fields:

Target Url : It's the end point address where the data will be posted by the plugin

Port Number : The port at which the end point listens. For Elastic Search, the port number is 9200 and for Kafka 343.

Protocol : The protocal supported is https.

Configuring the SnappyFlow option:

Here the snappyflow project name, application name, instance name, profile which is same for both, elastic search as well as Kafka.

Configuring the Elastic Search option:

Provide the username and the password to enable the elastic search.

Configuring the Kafka option:

Provide token for authorization, kafka path and the kafka topic(which is optional currently,future enhancements TBD).

Configuring the other option:

Currently the option is not supported by the plugin. The destination url and other are TBD.

After this the user can either enable the event reporting or the metric reporitng or both based on the requirement.

Metric reporting interval:

This is the interval at which the metrics are collected and reported to the end point. This value is 2 mins by default which can be changed as per the reqirement. If any change in the reporting interval is made, jenkins must be restarted to apply the changes.


This plugin is in development phase currently.
If you are willing to contribute, follow below link
Contribution Details