

Markdown Params plugin allows Jenkins pipelines to parse Markdown files, extract lists (including checkbox list), and retrieve parameters from them, such as checked or unchecked items.

This is useful in continuous integration (CI) processes, where Markdown can serve as a task list or selection tool in pull request templates.

Combined with Jenkins plugins like http_request or generic-webhook-trigger, this enables dynamic control over pipelines based on user-defined inputs, such as deploying microservices marked in pull requests.

Use case

This diagram illustrates the interaction between the Markdown Params plugin and other components in a pull request workflow.

use case diagram

Example to get started

To demonstrate the functionality of the Markdown Params plugin, we can use the following Markdown task list. This checkboxes list outlines the microservices scheduled for deployment.

#### Microservices to deploy
- [x] Auth
- [x] Users
- [ ] Inventory
- [ ] Billing
- [ ] Monitoring


In a minimal pipeline example, the Markdown Params plugin reads the Markdown task list and "deploy" the specified microservices. The plugin retrieves the checked items to decide which microservices to deploy.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Demo') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def md = markdownParams "#### Microservices to deploy\n- [x] Auth\n- [x] Users\n- [ ] Inventory\n- [ ] Billing\n- [ ] Monitoring"
                    def items = md.getCheckedItemsOf("Microservices to deploy")
                    items.each { item ->
                        echo "Deploying ${item}"


When the above pipeline runs, it will output the following text.

Deploying Auth
Deploying Users


  • getCheckboxItemsOf(String header) → returns a list with all checkbox items in <header> section
  • getCheckedItemsOf(String header) → returns a list with all checkbox checked items in <header> section
  • getUncheckedItemsOf(String header) → returns a list with all checkbox unchecked items in <header> section
  • isAllItemsCheckedOf(String header) → returns true if all checkbox items in <header> section are checked
  • isNoneItemsCheckedOf(String header) → returns true if all checkbox items in <header> section are unchecked
  • getUnorderedListItemsOf(String header) → returns a list with all unordered items in <header> section
  • getOrderedListItemsOf(String header) → returns a list with all ordered items in <header> section

ℹ️ Info: If the item is not under a specific header, using an empty header "" will retrieve all items

Plugin development

Run and try the example

mvn hpi:run

More details on Jenkins plugin development is available here. Dependencies

Other useful commands

mvn tidy:pom
mvn clean install
mvn clean verify
mvn versions:update-parent
mvn spotless:apply



Contribution guidelines


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE