
Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found in the documentation below.

OpenCover plugin


This plugin is deprecated. User must use coverage-plugin that support the OpenCover format.

See for code-coverage-api deprecation notice

See for new recordCoverage step

Build Coverage LOC Contributors GitHub release Jenkins Plugin Installs GitHub license

With this plugin you can publish your OpenCover coverage reports into Jenkins. It implements code-coverage-api-plugin and can generate coverage chart, fail builds using some threshold and show diff between your pull requests and target branches.


publishCoverage adapters: [opencoverAdapter(mergeToOneReport: true, path: 'testing*.xml')], sourceFileResolver: sourceFiles('NEVER_STORE')

To get better how-to information please refer to this article.


CONTRIBUTING file and make sure it is appropriate for your plugin, if not then add your own one adapted from the base file

Refer to our contribution guidelines


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE