Adds the Pipeline input
step to wait for human input or approval. A basic Proceed or Abort option is provided in the stage view.
The parameter entry screen can be accessed via a link at the bottom of the build console log or via link in the sidebar for a build.
Input Example with Message Parameter
input 'Proceed or Abort'
Input Example with Custom identifier
: Every input step has an unique identifier. It is used in the generated URL to proceed or abort.
A specific identifier could be used, for example, to mechanically respond to the input from some external process/tool.
input id: '2', message: 'input-message'
Input Example with Cancel Button Caption
and OK Button Caption
input message: 'input-message', cancel: 'Cancel', ok: 'OK'
Input Example with Allowed Submitter
: Usernames and/or external group names of those permitted to respond to the input, separated by ','. Spaces will be trimmed automatically, so "Alice, Bob, Charles" is the same as "Alice,Bob,Charles". Note: Jenkins administrators are able to respond to the input regardless of the value of this parameter.
input message: '', submitter: 'jenkins-user, jenkins-user2'
Input Example with Parameter to store the Approving Submitter
If specified, this is the name of the return value that will contain the username of the user that approves this input. The return value will be handled in a fashion similar to the parameters value.
input message: 'input-message', submitter: 'jenkins-submitter, jenkins-submitter2', submitterParameter: 'approvers-id-to-be-stored'
Use the Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator to select options for the input
step. For further understanding, check the pipeline input step plugin documentation.
Please refer to the changelog