Jenkins uses lazy loading of build records since version 1.485, and Project Statistics Plugin requires all builds to be loaded every time it counts them. Depending on the number of builds and amount of memory you have, this may result in constant loading/discarding of build records and bad UI performance.
This plugin provides new dashboard-view portlets and new columns for displaying project statistics for your Jenkins instance.
Following this post on the mailing list I created a new plugin that provides statistics for each project (versus global statistics that are already provided by the dashboard view plugin and several others).
Project statistics
Number of builds
Version History
0.5 (Development)
0.4 (2012/09/22)
- Wrapping elements to make them style-able (thanks to crossman)
- FIX JENKINS-15067: a build result can be null if the build is currently building (thanks to Michael Pailloncy) JENKINS-15067
0.3 (2011/09/25)
- NumBuilds portlet: added percentage
0.2 (2011/03/28)
- NumBuilds portlet: replaced job name with job link
- Updated jenkins version to 1.404 to avoid build warnings with older versions
0.1 (2011/03/26)
- Added a new column with the number of builds (Success, Unstable, Fail) for the project
- Added a new portlet that shows a table with the number of builds (Success, Unstable, Fail) for the project in the viewwrapping elements to make them style-able