Tibco Builder

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About this plugin

This plugin allows your Jenkins installation to launch TIBCO wrappers as a build step.

Once Installed it enables two builder: 

  1. AmxEclipseAntBuilder: this builder allow to launch builds over TIBCO AMX Service Grid projects(SCA Composites including AMX Businessworks) and AMX BPM
  2. StudioToolsBuilder: this builder allow to launch build over Business Events projects(actually this plugin is in "work in progress" in order to enrich options for any allowed of operation)

User guide

AmxEclipseAntBuilder works as the built-in Ant builder; it simply wraps Tibco "amx_eclipse_ant" executable to execute your build scripts.

You need a valid TIBCO installation to execute correctly your builds, please read TIBCO documentation for correct installation info.

Actually this plugin has been tested over Supported Windows environments(Windows Seven 64 bit for example) and over TIBCO AMX ServiceGrid 3.1.5

Once you have installed your TIBCO environment, define your Tibco Home directory in Jenkins Control Panel, where "Tibco Home" is the root directory where you have installed the products

The next Step is configure your build step like Ant Builder

Here you can:

  1. define your Tibco Installation to use
  2. define ant target(no target means use "default" ant target deined into you build file)
  3. define your build file location
  4. define a custom Tibco BusinessStudio workspace to use (if you don't want use default workspace)
  5. set Ant properties
  6. set ant options
  7. define a custom "amx_eclipse_ant.tra" to use, if you don't want use default

Finally, launch your build! 

Next Steps

  • Improve StudioTools builder, adding the other options for category operations
  • add helps for installation and configure fields